- The gist of this article
All developed countries operate public or private health insurance systems, or a combination thereof. It means that anyone who is sick, or subject to the slightest ache or pain (real or imaginary), has access a remarkable number of pills and treatments.
These pills and treatments are, of course, very expensive. But due to the insurance system the cost is shared across millions of insurance premiums. Or, in the case of nationalized systems, the cost is shared across millions of taxpayers.
Health insurance, health and side effects
This is all very civilized. But the fact is that even if you are insured against these costs, the insurance does not protect you from ill health per se. Instead, it protects you from being hit by enormous costs in case you need expensive medication or treatment. As such, you may well die fully insured, after having paid health insurance premiums for decades. And, as such, your health insurance does not prevent or mitigate the many undesirable side effects of modern medication.
OPCs: The insurance they don’t tell you about
The best form of health insurance is therefore one that helps to prevent sickness and disease in the first place. And central to any such efforts are nutritional compounds such as those delivered by Masqueliers’s OPCs and other essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
That's because Masquelier’s OPCs can beneficially influence a remarkable number of health ‘pathways’ within and throughout our body. This is in direct contrast to the countless pharmaceutical pills out there, each of which is formulated to influence only one pathway. And, of course, pills have side effects that may well necessitate the taking of another pill. In fact, the more medicines you take, the more side-effects you will experience. And so it goes on in the world of insured medicinal care …
Combined physiological effects of OPCs
The combined beneficial physiological effects of Masquelier’s OPCs on various ‘pathways’ can become highly significant in terms of maintaining our health over the long-term. In particular, Masquelier’s OPCs are proven to play a beneficial role in regulating microvascular circulation in diabetics, cardiovascular health, inflammatory processes, healthy collagen, good eyesight, circulation in the legs, oxidative stress and many other functions.
Of course, one can find any number of products featuring botanical bioactives named oligomeric proanthocyanidins – or OPCs. However, Dr Jack Masquelier was the first to identify the many health benefits of “his” OPCs. And none of the other “OPC”-products can honestly claim the level of characterisation, profiling, rigorous safety controls and phytonutrient testing – using state-of-the-art tools and methods – that every batch of Masquelier’s OPCs undergoes in order to maintain the link with the outcomes of numerous product-specific clinical human trials and investigations.
Meanwhile, be grateful if you live in a country with advanced health insurance systems. But don’t rely on that insurance to assure your own health. Because only you can do that – with the help of Masquelier’s OPCs.
Read about it in my book OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier’s Mark on Health !