- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Excerpt
During the premenstrual part of the menstrual cycle, some women can be confronted with a wide variety of psychological and physical symptoms classified as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In general, scientists agree that these symptoms occur because of an increased sensitivity of the body to the normal physiological variations in the estrogen and progesterone levels. The most common premenstrual symptoms are painful, swollen breasts, a bloated stomach, a puffy face, undefined pelvic pain, weight gain, functional disturbances in the legs, irritation, depression, and headaches.
During 1987, the effect of a recommended daily dosage of 200 mg of OPCs was tested on 156 patients suffering from one or more PMS complaints during the second half of the menstrual cycle. In 60 percent of the women, the physical disorders disappeared after two cycles. In 80 percent of the women, the physical disorders disappeared after four cycles. Of the women suffering from psychological PMS symptoms, half reported that these problems had disappeared after the fourth cycle. In addition, OPCs appeared to be effective against menstrual problems (dysmenorrhea), which had disappeared in 66 percent of the women after the fourth cycle.
(Endotélon dans le traitement des troubles veino-lymphatiques du syndrome prémenstruel. Etude multicentrique sur 165 patientes. M. Amsellem, J.M. Masson, B. Negui, F. Sailly, J. Sentenac, A. Siou, J.C. Tissot. Tempo Médical/no 282 - Novembre 1987.)