- Die Kernaussage des Artikels
“Personalized nutrition” is a new trend that involves the “personalizing” of your food on the basis of a careful assessment of your individual nutritional needs in terms of the quality of the chosen ingredients and their recommended quantities. It may sound far-fetched, but “personalized nutrition” is one of the “buzz-words” in today’s food industry. Experts and wizzards who specialize in “big data” give enthousiastic speeches at conferences where our nutritional future is in the making.
Personalized nutrition is made possible by applying new diagnostic tools and highly refined detection devices that can interpret and make understandable vast amounts of data. All this should lead to individually tailored food supplements and other special food products, especially in the field of nutritionally oriented medicine. The trend is driven by a growing and deeper understanding of the fact that each of us is “chemically different,” with our own “DNA-specific” nutritional fingerprint. Thus we all respond to, and require, different foods and nutrients in different ways.
So ?
It all sounds ideal and promising – food supplements tailor made to contain the perfect combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical compounds, fatty acids, and so on and so on. But we are still far removed from solving the millions of nutrient-puzzles to make products fit your individual physiology and health profile. In the meantime, most of us are “personalizing” their nutrition on the basis of taste, habit, tradition and what we’ve come to understand of the health effects of what we eat, drink and swallow. After all, we ourselves are best placed to figure out what we should and shouldn’t eat.
Masquelier’s OPCs
Masquelier’s OPCs have been in use for more than half a century in daily dosages that range from 100 to 200 milligrams. Such dosages fit everyone’s dietary pattern, since they are well within a healthy ‘food range.’ Moreover, in these daily dosages, Masquelier’s OPCs were found to fit the biochemical individuality and dietary needs of practically all their users. Which is quite unique in the world of phytonutrients. Most importantly, all clinical trials performed with this botanical preparation are shown to have delivered significant health benefits to a wide variety of very specific individuals. These benefits range from circulatory health to more resilient skin, and from reducing oxidative stress to cholesterol management.
Confirmed safety for everyone
One reason for this long-standing success is that Masquelier’s OPCs have always been rigorously tested using state-of-the-art tools and methods, capable of identifying this very complex botanical compound by its unique biochemical composition. Very few other botanicals used as, or in, foods or nutritional supplements can claim this. Thus Masquelier’s OPCs, in their proven and recommended dosage, are suitable and beneficial for the personalized nutrition of almost everyone.
So, if you’re looking to personalize your nutrition in order to optimize your health, there’s no need to worry about either compliance or dosage if you incorporate Masquelier’s OPCs into your diet program. Masquelier’s OPCs are already tailor made for you, whatever your dietary requirements and wishes.