- The gist of this article
While 32 national soccer teams head for Russia, millions of fans head for the supermarket to stock up on beer, soft drinks and snacks. They then proceed to sit on the couch for a month, eating and drinking, as the tournament unfolds.
It’s all fantastically enjoyable, but it can also be somewhat unhealthy. Because apart from all the snacks, beer and soft drink, there’s a danger that when you’re watching two or three matches a day, you simply don’t take the time to eat properly. On top of that, sitting on a couch for hours is not the best way to support your circulatory system.
Owing to this double assault on your health, it becomes difficult to get the OPCs you need in order to ensure that your strained vascular system carries valuable nutrients to your vital organs.
Masquelier’s OPCs 1 Fruit 0
And you can’t simply assume that eating some fruit each day will give you all the OPCs we need. This is because OPCs are usually located in the bark, teguments, cuticles, and woody parts of plants – and those are the parts that we often dispose of before consuming the fruit or vegetable. For instance, in grapes the major quantity of OPCs is contained in the seeds. Today, almost all grapes sold in the US and Europe are seedless. But the seeds are the most nutritional parts of the grapes! And, most certainly, you won’t find any OPCs in the snacks that you wash down with beer and soft drinks.
Safe tactics
Within this context, the most effective way to supply adequate amounts of OPCs to the body that’s lounging in front of your TV-set, is in the regular, daily form of a dietary supplement. And the safest way to do that is to take Masquelier’s OPCs, which have been rigorously tested in terms of efficacy and safety using state-of-the-art tools and methods. Very few other botanicals used as, or in, foods or nutritional supplements can claim this level of testing and proven efficacy.
So, enjoy the FIFA World Cup – we certainly will. But to make sure that it doesn’t adversely affect your long- and short-term health , be sure to select Masqueliers OPCs for your team. They will go a long way to helping you compensate for your inactivity and snack consumption, so that you maintain your vascular and overall health during this wonderful feast of football.